*** Don't forget to take your essences, they really help when you're having a difficult day ***

Indigo Essences

support for those at the forefront of change

Essences are

a form of vibrational healing which simply means using the vibration of something to help yourself heal.

Essences can help

if you're feeling unbalanced, STUCK, not your best self, having a really bad day, feeling OVERWHELMED and ANXIOUS, going through a big life change ....and lots of other situations as well

The Crisis Series

A series of plant essences to help us let go of fear, regain hope and stay strong and flexible during these chaotic times.

Do you feel exhausted and totally done in now that Christmas is over ? If so, OLIVE is the essence for you, it will help you to reconnect you with your strength, resilience and knowing that brighter days are on their way.

this weeks recommendations


For when you feel confused and need to get a higher perspective

Made with Diamond, Platinum and Gold, this essence helps you get clarity on a situation by seeing it from a higher prespective

Read more here



This year, as the old world collapses around us, we need to feel Safe.

This is a great essence to put in a body lotion and apply topically before you go out in the world.

I love this essence


For when you spend too much time thinking about the past or too much time worrying about the future

EVERYTHING is changing, the best way to deal with this is to be in the NOW and live moment to moment.

Get some today

A new product

Introducing E-Gift Vouchers

A great way to give the gift of essences when you're not sure exactly which essences to get - your friends and family will be able to choose for themselves.

Also great when you need a present in a hurry ....



Your "SHINE" is my best essence now. It feels light but acts deeply. It is amazing. I really appreciate you inventing it. 

Akiko Okunuki

On meditating with True Colours

"I have a sense that this was a cleaning of all those deeply, deeply
buried pains and hurts from childhood disappointments relating to my birth family.  It’s all about love or the lack and the resonance of that
lack when we are still so young and deeply connected to our souls and
knowing that love is all there is, that disbelief and shock that it is
nowhere to be seen."


'Indigo Essences have opened my heart and conscious awareness to a world that I always subconsciously knew I belonged to. When working with Indigo Essences, I enjoy a sense of nurturing and supportive comfort
that I don’t usually come across in my ‘everyday’ life. ‘
