*** Phew, it's February already, what a year ***


A word about packaging

We aim to not mess up the world any more than is absolutely necessary with our packaging.  All packaging is extra 'stuff' that in a ideal world we wouldn't have to deal with but in the online environment, we have to work with it.

So ... as well as using non plastic products as much as we can, we re-use packaging that we get in from our suppliers. This means that you might occasionally get your glass bottles or set boxes wrapped in bubble wrap which we're re-using.

Our bottle labels are plastic free. We know this means they don't look their best for as long as the plasticized ones but that's just the way it is.

Heavy, over packaged packages are not good for the environment so we use the minimum packaging possible to protect the glass bottles and also to keep the weight of the package down.

We don't print packing lists or include a paper receipt/invoice with your order.  If you do need a printed invoice, let us know and we'll pop one in.

The only excess we knowingly do is stick a little red heart on each wrapped bottle, you have to have something to smile about after all.