*** Happy New Year ***

Create your own Flower Essence 11 day training

2nd July 2022

I don't know about you but I feel the world is on a knife edge this Summer.  After two very long and difficult years of sickness, lockdowns and now war, the news seems to get worse and worse.  Some days it can be very hard to see any positives at all.

So how do we turn this around ?

I feel it is very important for our sanity and for our evolution as a species that we re-connect with nature, with the wilderness, with what is real in this world.

This is one of the reasons I'm taking part in and promoting the upcoming Create your own Flower Essence training.  Learning how to make Flower and other essences connects us with the natural world and the magic that we overlook when we focus on day to day events. This process helps us to ground, centre ourselves and regain the childhood joy of simple magical interactions with the world around us.

Join Sara for next essence making course

This 11 day training is being run by Sara Estelle through her Flower Essence University and comes highly recommended as a very enjoyable and thorough course.

Sara Estelle Turner is the founder of the Essentially Flowers Diploma in Flower and Vibrational Essences, Empowered Healer Business Mentoring Programmes, and Creatrix of MoonFlower Essences.
Sara guides healers and nature lovers from around the world to reclaim their unique selves and birth their gifts into the world, with nature as their guide. 

And she is passionate about getting as many people as possible to re-connect with the nature around them as a way of healing ourselves and our world

create your own flower essence training

Here is what she has to say :

During these times of great change we are all looking for a guide - a guide who can help us navigate the change. We are looking for stability and wisdom - something to stand firm on that will not let us down.

Perhaps now, more than ever, you feel a call to live your life (and perhaps lead your business differently) .... in a brand new more connected way.

If you’re looking to embrace change and re-emerge into life in more joyful, connected and wiser ways, you’re going to love learning how to make flower essences.

Sara has put together a unique 11-day program to support us at this time in connecting to a master guide of how to surrender to new ways that are based in love and sustainability.

That guide is Nature and this 11 day experience is taking place between Thursday July 7th and Sunday July 17th and therefore through the Full Moon in Capricorn. Such a perfect time to Re-Member and pass this medicine on.

So if…
You’re looking for a way to come out of your head and into your heart

You feel a calling to ground and calm your energy system and hear the whispers within

You want to learn how to trust your intuition more deeply

You’re committed to aligning with your purpose and allowing your gifts to shine through into this New World

You’d love to spend time with others who understand your deep love of the natural world…

then you’re certainly ready to enrol in this 11-Day Create your own Flower Essences Experience and join Sara and others from around the world in this experience of connecting with nature.

There are 5 days of learning and making essences together using videos that are yours to keep as well as special training in a Facebook Community.

Then there are 5 days of Flower Essence University - learning and being inspired by 5 Modern Day Flower Essence producers who will be sharing how they make essences, what inspired them to begin and how it uplifts their lives

Learn with

Sara Estelle (MoonFlower Essences) all about making essences in moonlight

Ann Callaghan (Indigo Essences) how essence making woke her up to the magic around her

Sally Arthurs (Eeschel Essences) how huge trust and thinking outside the box was needed to begin her own special way of making essences

Sharon Keenan (Earth Song Essences) how making essences has helped her heart the earth’s song and reconnect to the Earth’s rhythms and harmony

Michelle Nilson (Light Essence Elementals) how she creates vibrational essences from the wild, elemental and mystical land of Ireland

The best gift you can give yourself and the world, especially during these times, is to connect deeply to your wisdom within and partner with Nature to find your next steps forward in sustainable and joyful ways.


You could be just days away from fostering a brand new relationship with your inner wisdom and knowing your next steps forward.
Within each one of us, there lies a piece of the divine jigsaw to rebirth our Earth anew. And nature holds the power to help you access this.

So, should you feel called, I invite you to join us and sign up for the 11 Day Create your Own Flower Essence Experience